How to Create an Amazon S3 Bucket: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Create an Amazon S3 Bucket: Step-by-Step Guide

A Detailed Guide to Setting Up an Amazon S3 Bucket


  1. S3 stands for Simple Storage Service.

  2. Amazon S3 is an object storage service that offers industry-leading scalability, data availability, security, and performance.

  3. Store and protect any amount of data for a range of use cases, such as data lakes, websites, cloud-native applications, backups, archive, machine learning, and analytics.

  4. Amazon S3 is designed for 99.999999999% (11 9's) of durability, and stores data for millions of customers all around the world.

Steps to Create an S3 Bucket

  1. Open the AWS Management Console and navigate to the S3 dashboard.

  2. Click Create bucket.

  3. Select General purpose bucket type.

  4. Write a bucket name, this name must be globally unique.

  5. Select ACLs disabled under Object Ownership.

  6. Leave the Block all public access checked.

  7. Set Bucket Versioning disabled.

  8. Click Create bucket.

  9. Open the newly created bucket by clicking on its name.

  10. Click Upload.

  11. Now click on Add files.

  12. Select any file you want to upload, preferably a text file.

  13. Scroll and click Upload.

  14. Select the file -> Actions -> Download As -> Click on the file name, A new tab will open and download will start -> Close.

  15. Now Select the file -> Click Copy URL. -> Paste in a new browser tab, Unfortunately, you won't be able to view the file.

  16. Now Select the file -> Click Open, File will open up in a new tab.

  17. You can see the file can be accessed only by this account and no one else can access it.

  18. To make the Object's URL publically available -> Select the bucket -> Make public using ACL, this option must be disabled because we disabled ACLs in step 6.

  19. To change it Go to permission.

  20. Click Edit on Block public access (bucket settings) -> Uncheck Block all public access -> Save changes -> type confirm -> Confirm.

  21. Click Edit on Bucket Ownership -> ACLs enabled -> Check the acknowledgement -> Save changes.

  22. Now go back to Objects.

  23. Select the object -> Actions -> Make public ACL -> Make Public.

  24. Now select the object -> Copy URL -> Paste it into another tab, and the file should open.

  25. To delete the object, select the object ->Click Delete -> type permanently delete -> Click Delete Objects.

  26. To delete the bucket, select the bucket -> Click Delete -> type the bucket name -> Click Delete bucket.